Tuesday, July 21, 2020

5 Simple Yet Effective Weight Loss Diet Plans And Steps

Hi, Mark here.

Everyone knows the basics of how to lose weight, such as eating healthy and doing exercises, in order to slice away that excess fat. I’m speculating that you are a beginner to weight loss, correct? If you are, then allow me to show you these simple yet effective weight loss diet plans and steps for you to kick start your weight loss journey.


Without further ado, let’s dive in…


#1 - Calories

Calories play an important role here, whether your weight loss is a success or not, it depends on it. Not what you eat, calorie counts, so we have to be careful about what we put inside our belly. The good news is, you can eat plenty if you want to, but not too excessive. Eating plenty of foods that contains a huge amount of calories, that we have to worry about. Let me share an example that I usually do, imagine you have a healthy grilled chicken, compare it with deep-fried chicken, which one you should worry about? Of course, is deep-fried chicken, it contains a high amount of calories compared to healthy grilled chicken. Fewer calories, fewer weight gained. Make you check your food products as well, every product labeled with nutritional facts on it, make sure you count your calories.


#2 Things to avoid

1) Sugar - This could be your biggest enemy, the more you consume, the more weight you gained. Here’s how sugar works in your body, it raises your blood pressure, eventually, it will be converted into insulin, that’s is where you fat storage came about, you will see it mostly on your love handles.

2) Processed foods - These processed foods included that are cooked, frozen, canned, and packaged, you will see most of these in your grocery stores. These foods that I mentioned are not healthy, and definitely your weight will shoot up if you constantly eating over and over again. You can eat it once in a while, but not too excessive. Do you know, processed foods contained complex stations of sugar, like saturated fat and poly saturated fats, these fats will slow down your metabolism, making it harder for you to burn calories.

3) Laziness - One of the sins we are committing every day, we even use as an excuse not to go on a diet or to exercise. It really comforting on a couch, but neglecting your weight loss diet plan may be the biggest regret. As a beginner, you might wanna do something, doesn’t have to be much as first, at least something like goes out for a walk, preferrable with listening to music.

4) Skipping breakfast - Breakfast helps you rev up your metabolism engine, burning calories throughout the day. Breakfast also gives you the energy that you needed to more focus on your work, during the morning when you are having breakfast, you will have a higher chance of absorbing the vitamins from the food you consumed, such foods are from dairy, grain, and fruits as well. Eating breakfast absorbs more vitamins compare to lunch and dinner and increases your metabolism of course. It's good to eat a smaller portion so that your digestive system won't be overworked, thus having efficient metabolism.

#3 - Foods to be included

Blueberries - This is my personal favorite, and I wanted to share this delicious but yet beneficial to you, which is blueberries. First of all, blueberries are low in calories, rich in vitamins and high in fiber too. You can add this to your smoothies and yogurt too.

Almond - Secondly, almond. Almond is high in protein and phytonutrients, it contains healthy fats and rich in fiber too. Almond also is good in antioxidant and vitamin E, which benefit our brain, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. It’s good for your skin too. However, you do need to be careful to choose good almonds rather than the bad, almonds that are smoked or salted.

Pineapple - Thirdly, pineapple. Everyone likes sweet stuff, fortunate, pineapples are sweet and it has a low amount of calories. It’s good to use this fruit as a snack, most often I think you only see this in your pizza, right? Most importantly, since it has some volume of water, which makes you full and prevents you to touch any other foods or snacks. Pineapple is also rich in a digestive enzyme, which helps you to break down the food in your intestinal tract.

#4 - Be active

If you are a beginner, start with walking, walking only requires you a pair of shoes, and no requirement at all, try to walk 3–4 times a week for 20 minutes. After you are used to it, try jogging and other exercises like basketball or swimming. Try not to jump into another stage or level if you are not comfortable, it might discourage. One all stages are completed, try hitting the gym and build some muscle, building muscle helps you to boost your metabolic rate, the higher the metabolic rate, the more calories you will burn.


#5 - Consistentcy

Well, whatever you do, you need to be consistent, the same with weight loss. That’s why you need a goal and a timetable. Your ideal weight doesn’t happen overnight, it happens when you put up some work and effort to make that dream comes true. But some people, me myself included, lose hope because we are impatient, and the process is too difficult for us to comprehend. Well, if a person wanted to start up a weight loss plan, always start up slow and easy, because we need to cultivate a habit so that you are consistent enough to follow the next level of your weight plan. Don’t forget to reward yourself once in a while, always be good to yourself.

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