Tuesday, July 21, 2020

6 Simple Yet Effective Weight Loss Hacks

Hi, Mark here.

Everyone knows the basics of how to lose weight, such as eating healthy and doing exercises, in order to slice away that excess fat. I’m speculating that you are a beginner to weight loss, correct? If you are, then allow me to show you these 6 simple yet effective weight loss hacks for you to kick start your weight loss journey.


Without further ado, let’s dive in…


#1 - Watching TV While Standing

Usually, we watch TV on a couch or laying on our own bed, not it won’t help you to lose weight, it instead increases your weight. Instead of laying down on your comfort sitting, try standing while you happen to watch TV on a weekend, standing burns an average of 76 calories if you stand for 30 minutes.


#2 - Sugar Intake Reduction

Most of the foods that we eat and water that we drink contain huge amounts of sugar. Sugar could be the biggest enemy, the more you consume, the more weight you gained. Here’s how sugar works in your body, it raises your blood pressure, eventually, it will be converted into insulin, that’s is where you fat storage came about, you will see it mostly on your love handles. Try to do the cooking at your own home rather than eating in a restaurant, at least if you cook yourself, you can adjust your sugar intake.


#3 - Alcohol Intake Reduction

First is sugar, secondly is alcohol. Alcohol is no different than sugar, it contains huge amounts of calories. Rather than drinking alcohol, why not drink green tea, green tea is proven to be beneficial to your weight loss.


#4 - Use Smaller Plates and Bowls

This is one of the best hacks to prevent yourself to eat more. Simply buy a small plate or bowl, then whenever you want to take a scoop of rice, at least you have a measurement, which is the plate or bowl that you have. This helps you to eat moderately rather than shoving a sizable amount of food into your stomach, this hack should knock off a few calories from your meals.


#5 - Buy A Blender

This hack is suitable for those who are busy with their works. Blender does play a role, here, usually busy people don’t have the time to eat, or even they do eat, they may eat in a restaurant in which the foods are unhealthy and costly. Time to buy yourself a blender and start making healthy smoothies for yourself.


#6 - Buy A Treadmill

A treadmill may cost you a lot if you are on a tight budget, but a treadmill is definitely the best investment for your weight loss. I definitely prefer you to walk for 30 minutes a day in front of your TV or while listening to music. Walking not only helps you to think clearly, but also burn some amount of calories.

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